Can dog eat mushroom?

Can dog eat mushroom

Know in one minute about Can dog eat mushroom

  • Dogs can eat some of the edible mushrooms that are consumed by humans.
  • There are some species of mushrooms that you can buy for your dogs from grocery stores like white button mushrooms, Porcini mushrooms, and portobello mushrooms.
  • Dogs can eat raw as well as cooked mushrooms, but raw mushrooms are safe to serve.
  • Ingredients like oil, onions, garlic, and spices are toxic for dogs, therefore avoid these items while preparing mushrooms for your dog.


There are many species of mushrooms, which are edible for humans and rich in carbohydrates, and proteins with low-fat content, therefore considered good dietary supplements. Some of the edible mushrooms are used as traditional medicine. As some edible mushrooms are known for their nutritional value but the question is Can dog eat mushroom? And the answer is, YES. A dog can eat mushrooms, but only those mushrooms which are edible to humans.

Can dog eat mushroom?

The mushrooms that are available in the stores are edible for dogs, wild mushrooms can be fatal. Raw mushroom is good for dogs, dogs can eat cooked mushroom too, but cooked mushrooms are full of spices, which is not good for the dog’s health, therefore you should avoid giving cooked mushrooms to your dogs. If you want to serve cooked mushrooms to your dog, then make sure it should be cooked with less oil and spices. But if your dog is on medication or on a certain prescribed diet, avoid feeding mushrooms to them.

Well, mushrooms are not always dietary or nutritional food for dogs, therefore mushrooms are only served in moderate amounts and two or three times a month.

Mushrooms for dogs

The edible varieties of mushrooms that are available in stores are good and safe for dogs. Common mushrooms that are available in stores for dogs are Shitake mushrooms, Porcini mushrooms, Portobello mushrooms, White button mushrooms, Reishi mushrooms, Maitake mushrooms, and Chestnut mushrooms. 

You can add these mushrooms to your dog’s diet, but these mushrooms should be properly washed, less in quantity, and served occasionally. Mushrooms like White button mushrooms are best if served cooked in less oil with spices.

Mushrooms which are not good for dogs:

There are some mushrooms that are harmful to humans and dogs as well which are as follows:

  • Cortinarius rubellus
  • Clitocybe rivulosa
  • Pleurocybella porrigens
  • Amanita muscaria
  • Amanita phalloide 
  • Amanita pantherina

Mushroom poisoning in dogs

If a dog ate these mushrooms or any of the wild mushrooms it resulted in mushroom poisoning with the following symptoms like fever, vomiting, lack of energy, seizure, uncoordinated movements, and excessive drool. 

Immediately consult your veteran because Mushroom poisoning may sometimes lead to jaundice or serious stomach issue for dogs. 

Mushroom preparation for dogs

Raw mushroom is good for dogs, dogs can eat cooked mushrooms too, but cooked mushrooms are full of spices, which is not good for the dog’s health, therefore you should avoid giving cooked mushrooms to your dogs. If you want to serve cooked mushrooms to your dog, then make sure it should be cooked with less oil and spices. Just sauteed the mushroom in less oil or butter on medium heat. You must avoid the mushroom preparation with onion, garlic, salt, excess oil, and spices as these ingredients can adversely affect the dog’s health.


1. What type of mushrooms can dogs eat?

Dogs can eat some of the mushrooms that are not wild and edible for humans. 

2. Which mushrooms can dogs eat?

Mushrooms like Shiitake mushrooms, Porcini mushrooms, Portobello mushrooms, White button mushrooms, Reishi mushrooms, Maitake mushrooms, and Chestnut mushrooms can be eaten by dogs.

3. What mushrooms can dogs eat?

The mushrooms that are store-bought are good for dogs to eat.

4. What kind of mushrooms can dogs eat?

Ans. Some edible mushrooms that are available in stores, that are properly clean and prepared, can be served to your dog to eat.

Written By: Neetu Ladiya