Exploring mangoes nutritional values

mangoes nutritional values


Mango is a climacteric fruit that has a lot of nutritional value, and health benefits due to its active bio components. It’s not only delicious but also has a rich and impressive nutritional profile. Mostly carbohydrates, fats, dietary fiber, and protein are the macronutrients that are present in mangoes. Hence, this topic is all about the mangoes nutritional values and their benefits.

Mangoes nutritional values

1. Macronutrients in mangoes

a. Carbohydrate

Amount present

Different types of mangoes contain different amounts of carbohydrates. Mango is rich in carbohydrates ranging between 90.1 and 93.6% per 100 gm, with 62 and 68 calories.

The amount of carbohydrates present in the fruit depends on different mango varieties and ripening procedures. In higher plants, the carbohydrate is stored mainly in the form of starch. Like all fruits, most of the carbohydrates come from sugar (glucose, fructose, and sucrose), starch, and pectin fibers. Generally, one cup of cut mango contains 22 grams of sugar and 3 grams of fiber.

Importance of carbohydrates in mango

  1. Carbohydrates in mango are a major source of sugars such as fructose, sucrose glucose. 
  2. Pectin and starch are also sugar resources.
  3. Sugar is a great fuel for all biochemical reaction and produce energy for all cellular functions
  4. The presence of carbohydrates in mango flesh makes it sweet and juicy for a refreshing nutritious fruit
  5. Diabetic patients should avoid eating excessive mangoes which are low in fiber and high in carbohydrate content. Carbohydrate is also responsible for weight gain hence, those who are calorie conscious should also be careful about portion size.
  6. Some mangoes which are high in fiber are good for diabetic
  7.  Also, the diabetic person can take mango in moderate portions
  8. due to the low glycemic index. 

b. Fiber in mango

Amount present

Mango contains a  good amount of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Generally, we can get approximately 4-5 grams of fiber from one medium-sized mango.  The skin of mango is rich in polyphenols, dietary fiber, and carotenoids.

Importance of fiber in mango

  1. Healthy digestion
  2. Improve constipation
  3. Weight management 
  4. Lowering cholesterol
  5. Heart healthy
  6. Slow absorption of sugar in the blood
  7. Gastroprotective effects
  8. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties
  9. Reduce inflammation

c. Protein in mango

Amount present

Generally, one medium-sized mango provides 3 grams of protein. Lysin, leucine, valine, arginine, methionine, and cysteine are major amino acids present in mango.

Importance of protein in mango

  1. Protect cells from environmental damage
  2. Cells repair
  3.  Maintain basic health
  4. Shield cells from DNA damage
  5. Prevent degenerative diseases
  6. Boost immune system
  7. Support muscle growth ( build, repair and growth)
  8. Post workout one of the best foods is a combination of protein and carbohydrates.

2. Micronutrients  in mango

a. Vitamin C: Major role in immune boosting and antioxidant activity

  • Mango is rich in vitamin C beta carotene and other antioxidants. One medium-sized mango contains 122 milligrams of vitamin C. 
  • The major function of vitamin C is that it helps in improving iron absorption which leads to a strong immune system. 
  • One cup of sliced mango provides 70% daily recommended required doses. 
  • Also, the skin of the mangoes is rich in vitamin C. 

Benefits of Vitamin C

  • Increases the absorption of non-heme iron which promotes cell repair growth.
  • Good for oral health. Prevent scurvy, gingivitis, and gum-related disorders.
  • Its antioxidant property can counteract the activity of oxidative stress
  • The phenolic nature of phytochemicals present in any part of the mango plant has free radical scavenging activities.
  • The presence of large varieties of antioxidants, pigments, and high volume of vitamin C have a high characterization of free radical scavenging.

Among the different varieties of mango Langra have the highest amount of phenolic compound and antioxidant activities

A research study of oxidative stress and cell death induction in the tumor system shows that Sicilian mangoes have antioxidant and anti-aging properties. 

Extract of Keningston pride shows the property of counteract oxidative damage caused by ROS

b. Vitamin A: Major role in better eye health and immune system

  1. A Good source of vitamin A for better eye health and immune system, reproduction,  necessary for growth  of all bodily tissues and development
  2. We get 10% daily required vitamin A from approximately 125 gm of medium-sized mango.
  3.  Majestic Alphonso is a great source of vitamin A.
  4. Vitamin A and retinol have a protective role in eye health.
  5. Mangoes are a rich source of vitamin A, lutein, and zeaxanthin which help to deal with age-related macular degeneration.
  6. Also a rich source of carotene which helps in age-related vision problems.
  7. It has good effects on the skin and hair.

c. Potassium: Regulating blood pressure

  1. Medium-sized or 165 grams of cut mango contain 277 milligrams of potassium of which 5.89% daily needs of an adult.
  2. Increasing potassium can decrease sodium which helps to reduce blood pressure.
  3. Different mangoes have different levels. 
  4. The presence of moderate potassium levels can be beneficial for heart health.
  5. Green mangoes are not a  richer source of potassium than the ripe version.

d. Vitamin E: protecting body from the oxidative damage

  1. Vitamin E is a powerful, lipid-soluble, chain breaking which protects the cell membrane from attack by lipid peroxyl radicals.
  2. It prevents oxidative damage by scavenging free radicals that damage cells.
  3.  Reducing ROS has a vital role in controlling cancer, arthritis, aging, cataracts, etc.
  4. Lower the risk of cancer, prevent inflammation, and cardiovascular diseases, and support the immune system.
  5. It protects the cell membranes from free radical attack and alpha-tocopherol inhibits the production of new free radicals. Thus,  vitamin E can prevent chronic diseases that are associated with ROS molecules.
  6. Research studies show that it can delay Alzheimer’s disease.

e. Carotenoid:  Colour to fruit and eye health

Carotenoid is a  photosynthetic pigment and precursor of plant hormones. It is a photo-protector, color attractants and antioxidants. It absorbs the light energy which is one of the main ingredients in photosynthesis.

  1. Beta-carotene, the precursor of vitamin A can reduce oxidative stress Which can sharpen vision.
  2. Macular xanthophylls protect eye health and prevent ophthalmic disease.
  3. The major carotenoids present in the human retina and macula are zeaxanthin and  Lutein.
  4. These  can improve age-related macular disease, control the cause of blindness, vision impairment, etc
  5. Also helps in preventing night blindness, and dry eyes AMD (age-related macular degeneration).

f. Polyphenols in mango: Oxidative stress and inflammatory protection

Mangoes are rich in polyphenols like catechins, anthocyanins, mangiferin gallic propyl and methyl gallate, benzoic acid. These all have antioxidative properties.

  1. Special polyphenol like mangiferin has nutraceutical and pharmaceutical properties.
  2. It can protect human cells from oxidative stress which leads to DNA damage, and many degenerative diseases.
  3. Due to its inflammatory features, it can protect from cancer, heart diseases, age related disorders.
  4. It can control the inflammatory bowel and regulate the intestinal immune system.
  5. Research studies show that polyphenol microbiota interaction in the gut increases their bioavailability.
  6. Mango peel is also a rich source of polyphenols including mangiferin.
  7. It also has potential antimicrobial properties on intestinal pathogenic bacteria.
  8. It also has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, gastroprotective, immunomodulatory, and cancer cytotoxic effects.

Health benefits of mango and its nutritional values

1. Lowers the cholesterol level

  • It reduces the LDL or bad cholesterol
  • Increase the HDL (high-density lipoprotein)
  • High levels of soluble dietary fiber with vitamin C  and pectin help to lower blood cholesterol.
  • Mango leaf extracts are rich in phytosterols which have the potential to lower serum cholesterol levels.

2. Good for heart

  • Mango is a rich source of potassium and magnesium which are responsible for lowering blood pressure and thus, lead to good heart health.
  • The bioactive compound Mangiferin has an antiinflammatory cardioprotective effect.
  • Rich fiber leads to better cardiovascular health. As well as control blood pressure

3. Low in calories and manage weight

  • High fiber and water content in mangoes contribute to a healthy weight.
  • It also controls weight management with proper nutritional values.
  • Mango is a low-calorie food with   all macro and micronutrients to help in the weight loss journey

4. Boosting immunity

  • A Great source of vitamins A and C are responsible for preventing the common cold and flu.
  • Enhancing immune function.
  • Prevent scurvy due to the presence of vitamin C.
  • Rich sources of vitamin C enhance cognitive activities in old age.
  • It also acts as a neuroprotective.

5. Glycemic index of mango and blood sugar management

  • The glycemic index of mango is 51-56 per GI chart. Below 55 is the lower range of glycemic index. Thus technically we can say that mango is a low GI food.
  • As because mango contains natural sugar, it would be better to take a moderated portion for diabetic people. 
  • But it has lots of fiber and antioxidants which control the overall blood sugar impact on diabetic people.  
  • The main thing is for diabetic persons to control portion size.  
  • Avoid too much quantity at a time. Carbohydrates from mango elevate the blood glucose level. 
  • Sugar in mango contains most of the calories which is a particular weight gain concern for diabetic people. 
  • However, due to its fiber, antioxidants, and low GI index, it may be a good food choice with controlled portion sizes for diabetic persons.

Interesting nutritional facts about mango

  1. Mango has a potential anticancer bioactive compound that inhibits cancer cell growth by apoptosis induction.
  2. The presence of phenolic-natured phytochemical compounds in mangoes has a strong anti-scavenging activity. It can delay or prevent heart diseases, cancer, age-related issues, atherosclerosis, stroke, and diabetes.
  3.  The extract of leaf and mesocarp of mango has a significant hypoglycemic effect which leads to control cardiomyopathy and neuropathy due to diabetes.
  4. The ethanolic extraction of mango has an anticancer effect on breast cancer cells.


1. What nutrients are mangoes high in?

Carbohydrates, protein, fiber, healthy fat, vitamins A, E, C, B6, antioxidants, minerals, carotenoids etc.

2. How many calories are in mango popping bubbles?

 There are 25 calories from 2 tbsp ( 30gm) of serving size.

3. What is the nutritional value of canned mango pulp?

Rich source of Vitamin A, K, C, and lots of fiber which leads to better health in many aspects. 850 gm sweetened can contain approximately 130 calories and 33gm carbs. Also, magnesium and potassium are there. Alphonso and Kesar pulp are very rich sources of all mango health-beneficial components. 

4. What nutrients does frozen mango have?

Great source of vitamin C, Potassium, and copper which are great for the eye, heart, skin, lungs, and kidneys. They are also rich in minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. As per nutritional value, it retains its value. One cup of frozen mango contains 24 grams of carbs and 1 gram of protein.  


  •  The phytochemicals such as phenolic compounds and flavonoids found in mangoes have many benefits.
  • Recent research studies show the multifaceted benefits of mango and their phytochemicals.
  • They have enormous beneficial potential against ROS production in human pathologies. Great prevention resource against cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, aging, and cardiovascular diseases.
  • The presence of vitamins C and A leads to a good source of antioxidants. 
  • Phenolic compounds like anthocyanin and carotenoids undoubtedly have great health benefits.
  • Daily use of the right proportions can prevent chronic diseases like diabetes, age-related disorders, fast aging, macular degeneration, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer.
  • Great support for immune function. 
  • Moderation of portion size for diabetic persons due to their natural sugar content


  1. Nutritional Composition and Bioactive Compounds in Three Different Parts of Mango Fruit
  2. Multifaceted Health Benefits of Mangifera indica L. (Mango): The Inestimable Value of Orchards Recently Planted in Sicilian Rural Areas
  3. Nutritional Health Benefits and Bioactive Compounds of Mangifera indica L (Mango) Leaves Methanolic Extracts.

Written By: Ruchira Das