Know in one minute about Aloe vera juice
Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) is an herb that belongs to the family Liliaceae. It can be consumed in various forms such as tea, gel, juice, salve, capsule, and decoction. Aloe vera juice is extracted from the leaves by crushing, grinding, or pressing. This liquid is further processed through various steps of filtrations and stabilization to obtain pure juice. Aloe vera juice is intensely bitter, brown, or yellowish milky in appearance that contains most bioactive compounds. It gives relief from many kinds of stomach disorders such as irritable bowel, reflux, indigestion, heartburn, and many other problems. The following article thus emphasizes on What are aloe vera juice benefits
Geographical distribution
It grows mainly in the dry regions of Africa, Asia, Europe, and America.
Nutritional value of Aloe vera juice
Aloe vera leaf juice contains various nutritional substances, of which approximately 97 % is water. The other remaining consists of minerals, vitamins, polysaccharides, lipids, phenolic compounds, and organic acids per 100 g are as follows (1).
Compound | Amounts per 100 g. |
Water | 96.23 g |
Energy | 15 Kcal |
Carbohydrate | 3.75 g |
Sugar | 3.75 g |
Calcium | 8 mg |
Iron, Fe | 0.15 mg |
Sodium | 8 mg |
Vitamin C | 3.8 mg |
Aloe vera juice benefits
1. Rich in nutrients
Aloe vera juice is rich in nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and trace elements to help our body to remove harmful toxins thus acts as a natural detoxifying agent (2).
2. Antimicrobial properties
Anthraquinone and the phenolic compound in aloe vera juice are effective as an antibiotic. It prevents the growth of bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Salmonella paratyphi, Aeromonas hydrophila, and Escherichia coli (3). Studies suggest that aloe vera juice is more effective than aloe vera gel in fighting against bacteria. (4).
3. Treats oral submucous fibrosis
It is the disability to open the mouth due to inflammation and scarring (fibrosis) that develops in the lining of the mouth. Aloe vera juice can be used as an alternative, safe, and effective agent for the treatment of oral submucous fibrosis (5).
4. Treat oral lichen planus
It is the inflammation of mucous membranes inside the mouth with symptoms like white, red, swollen tissues. Intake of aloe vera juice daily for 3 months may improve the symptoms (6).
5. Improve male fertility
Aloe vera juice intake helps in reducing the sperm cell damage during stress conditions, thus protecting the reproductive system in the male (7).
6. Manage diabetes
Consumption of Aloe vera juice (1 tablespoonful, twice/day for at least 2 weeks) helps to reduce blood sugar and triglyceride levels (8).
7. Improve digestion
One tablespoon (15 ml) one to three times daily aloe vera juice acts as a laxative. This helps to improve digestion by promoting gut bacteria. It also prevents heartburn, and constipation (9, 10).
8. Wound healing properties
A research study suggested that the topical application of aloe vera juice rapidly heals a wound than Silver Sulfadiazine Creams (antibiotic cream). It helps in speeding up wound shrinkage, healing, and decreases the severity of the associated injuries in humans as well as dogs and cats (11).
9. Improve Hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland is not able to produce enough thyroid hormone. This condition is caused by an autoimmune disorder (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis). However daily intake of aloe vera juice (50 ml/day for 9 months) helps to improve this type of thyroid disorder (12).
10. Keep liver healthy
Daily consumption of aloe vera juice helps to restore liver damage. It is a major source of antioxidants and the hydrating compound which stimulates bile production and excretion thus keeping the liver healthy (13).
11. Treat Acne
Aloe juice (50 ml/day) for 30 days shows a wonderful effect on mild-to-moderate acne vulgaris. This juice is effective to inhibit the growth of Propionibacterium acne, which causes acne (14).
12. Boost immunity
Daily consumption of aloe vera juice, not only increases energy level but also activates white blood cells which prevent infection and the occurrence of various diseases (15).
Side effect of aloe vera juice
- Non- purified aloe vera juice contains high levels of anthraquinone which causes diarrhea, colon adenomas (cell clump in the colon), and even cancer. However, Purified aloe vera juice contains a very low amount of anthraquinone which does not show any adverse effects (16).
- A research study suggested that decolorized aloe vera juice is considered safer than colored aloe vera juice (17).
- Risk of Henoch-Schonlein purpura– Ingestion of self-made aloe vera juice can cause inflammation and bleeding in blood vessels of the skin, joints, intestines, and kidneys. Moreover, applications of aloe vera juice over the legs also cause redness of the skin (18).
- Commercial aloe vera juice contains antioxidants and preservatives to prevent spoiling however, the quality of this juice changes over time (within a week) thus precaution should be needed before consumption (19).
What is aloe vera juice good for?
Daily intake of aloe vera juice helps our body to remove toxins, effective to treat indigestion, heartburn, constipation, and gas. It improves immunity, hydrates skin as well as treats acne, wound, and ulcer.
What are the side effects of drinking aloe vera juice?
Aloe vera juice is considered safe in a moderate amount, however, in large amounts or long term, it upset stomach and diarrhea. Intake of non purified or self-made juice can cause inflammation, bleeding, contact dermatitis, and redness in the skin (20).
When should I drink aloe vera juice?
Aloe vera juice works best when taken in the morning on an empty stomach.
How much aloe vera juice should I drink daily?
Aloe vera juice can be consuming 15- 60 ml per day, according to the need. Although one research study suggested that the daily intake of aloe vera juice should not exceed 30–40 ml. Because it contains aloin which not only has a strong laxative effect but also toxic effects (21).
How to use aloe vera juice
Aloe vera juice can be used as a ready-to-serve drink, health drink, soft drink, and hangover drink. Aloe vera juice is slightly acidic and astringent that makes it unpleasant if consumed fresh. This aloe vera juice can be taken by blending with the juice of amla, wheatgrass, ginger, and sweet lime (22).